Our Mission

The Sovereign and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem is inspired by the Nova Militia created in 1119 by Hugh de Paynes, approved in 1128 by the Council of Troyes, one of the oldest institutions of Western and Christian civilisation.

The Order is a lay Catholic Association, traditionally military, chivalric.
Among its 7500 members, the knights and ladies who compose it are lay people all devoted to the exercise of virtue and Christian charity.

What distinguishes the Knights of the Temple is their commitment to deepening their spirituality within the Church and to dedicating part of their energies to the service of the weakest according to the Spirituality of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.

The Order remains faithful to its inspiring principles which are summarised in the motto “Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini Tuo da Gloriam”, that is, the defense of the faith and service to the poor and the suffering, which materializes through voluntary work of ladies and gentlemen in welfare, healthcare and social facilities. Today the Order as OSMTHU is present in over 47 countries with its social and charitable activities.


Its main role is the awakening of dormant values

Characteristics of the Order

The Order, maintaining the prerogatives of an independent and sovereign body, has its own legal system, according to national legislation.
It is not a source of honors nor does it attribute titles but as inspired by Saint Bernard: they honor the best and not the one who boasts higher titles of nobility.