At the Council of Troyes in 1129, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, the most influential theologian of the time, wrote and had the Rule of the Templars approved.
This Rule was made up of 72 articles (symbolic number which referred to that of the Sacred Books that make up the Bible and the number of Jesus’ disciples).
I – What divine office should they hear
You who renounce your own will, and all the others who, for the salvation of their souls, militate with us for a certain time, with horses and weapons for the high king, take care to hear with pious and authentic desire, in their totality , Matutini and the Integral Service, according to the canonical institution and custom of the regular doctors of the Holy City. Above all from you, venerable brothers, the highest degree is due, since having despised the light of this life, and having overcome the concern of your bodies, you have promised to despise the pressing world for the love of God forever: nourished and satisfied by divine food, initiated and confirmed by the precepts of the Lord, after the consummation of the Divine Mystery no one fears the battle, but is prepared for the crown.
II – Let them say the Lord’s prayers, if they have not been able to hear the service of God
Furthermore, if a brother, due to distance due to a commitment in Eastern Christianity (and we do not doubt this happens often) cannot hear the service of God due to this absence, he will have to recite: for Matutini thirteen prayers of the Lord and for the individual hours , seven; for Vespers, we believe nine should be recited, and we unanimously affirm this in a free voice. In fact, these people, thus engaged in the work of preservation, cannot come to the Divine Office at the appropriate time. But if it were possible, at the appointed time they should not neglect what is due by institution.
III – What to do for deceased brothers
When one of the professed brothers sacrifices what it is impossible to tear away from death, which spares no one, what it is impossible to tear away: to the chaplains and priests, who with you charitably and temporarily serve the High Priest, we command with charity to offer for their souls to Christ with purity of spirit the office and the solemn Mass. The brothers present there, who spend the night praying for the salvation of the deceased brother, say one hundred prayers of the Lord until the seventh day for the deceased brother: from the day on which the death of the brother was announced, until the aforementioned day, the centenary number must be respected with fraternal observance in its integrity with divine and merciful charity we adjure, and with pastoral authority, we command, that every day, just as a brother was given and owed in need, so let a poor man be given up to the fortieth day what is necessary for the sustenance of this life, as regards food and drink. We completely prohibit any other offering, which on the death of brothers, and on the solemnity of Easter, as well as on other solemnities, the spontaneous poverty of Christ’s poor fellow soldiers used to give to the Lord in an exaggerated way.
IV – The chaplains receive only food and clothing
We command that by mutual agreement of the chapter the other offerings and all other kinds of alms, whatever they may be, be given with careful care to the chaplains or others who remain temporarily. Therefore the servants of the Church should only have food and clothing according to authority, and should not pretend to have anything more, except that the teachers have spontaneously and charitably given.
V – The deceased temporary soldiers
There are among us soldiers who temporarily and mercifully remain of the house of God, and Solomon’s Temple. Therefore with ineffable supplication we beseech you, we adjure, and also with insistence we command, that in the meantime the tremendous power had brought someone to the last day, for the love of God, brotherly mercy, a poor man should have seven days of sustenance for his soul.
VI – Let no professed brother make an offering
We have decreed, as was said above, that none of the professed brothers should presume to treat another offering, but day and night, with a pure heart, remain in his profession, so that he may be able to equal the holiest of prophets in this: I will take the cup of salvation, and in my death I will imitate the death of the Lord; since as Christ gave his soul for me, so I too am ready to give my soul for my brothers, here is the right offering, here is the living host pleasing to God.
VII – Don’t overdo standing
We have heard with our own ears from a very sincere witness, that you attend the divine office while constantly standing; we do not command this, rather we revile; we command that once the psalm “Come, let us rejoice in the Lord” with the invitation and the hymn is finished, everyone, both the strong and the weak, should sit down, to avoid scandal. You who are present, having finished each psalm, in saying “Glory to the Father”, with a supplicant attitude, rise from your seats towards the altars, out of reverence for the Holy Trinity named therein, and we will teach the weak how to bow. Thus also in the proclamation of the Gospel, and at the “Te Deum laudamus”, and during all the Lauds, until “Let us bless the Lord” are finished, we cease to stand, we also command that the same rule be kept in the Matutini of St. Mary.
VIII – Gathering for a meal
In a palace, but it would be better to say refectory, we believe that you take food communally, and if a need arises, due to not knowing the signs, it is appropriate to ask in a whisper and privately. So at all times ask for the things that are necessary to you with all humility and reverence at table, as the apostle says: Eat your bread in silence. And the Psalmist must encourage you when he says: I put a bridle on my mouth, that is, I decided within myself, so that I would not fail in my tongue, that is, I guarded my mouth so that I would not speak badly.
IX – Reading
During lunch and dinner always do a holy reading. If we love the lord, we must desire to listen attentively to his healing words and his precepts. The reader orders you to remain silent.
X – Use of meat
During the week, if the Lord’s Christmas, or Easter, or the feast of St. Mary, or the feast of all saints do not coincide, it is sufficient for you to eat meat only three times; the habitual eating of meat must be understood as a serious corruption of the body. If fasting falls on the day of Mars, for which the use of meat is prohibited, the next day may it be given to you more abundantly. On the Lord’s Day it undoubtedly seems appropriate to give two courses to all professed soldiers and chaplains in honor of the Holy Resurrection. The others, however, that is, the men-at-arms and the associates, remain happy with one, giving thanks.
XI – How soldiers should eat
It is generally advisable for them to eat two by two, so that one promptly provides for the other, so that the harshness of life, or a furtive abstinence, does not mix into every meal. This we rightly judge, that every soldier or brother has for himself only an equal and equivalent measure of wine.
XII – On other days, two or three courses of legumes are sufficient
On the other days, that is, in the second and fourth holidays as well as on Saturdays, we believe that two or three courses of legumes or other foods, or what are called cooked accompaniments, are sufficient for everyone: and we command people to behave this way, so that anyone who cannot eat of one is refreshed by the other.
XIII – What food should you eat in the sixth feria?
In the sixth feria we believe it is praiseworthy to be content with taking only a single Lenten food out of reverence for the passion, but taking into account the weakness of the sick, starting from the feast of saints until Easter, unless it happens on the Lord’s Birth or the feast of St. Mary or the Apostles. At other times, if a general fast does not occur, they should refresh themselves twice.
XIV – After lunch always give thanks
After lunch and dinner always in the church, if it is nearby, or, if it is not so, in the same place, as is appropriate, we command that with a humble heart they immediately give thanks to our supreme prosecutor: who is Christ: set apart in loaves entire, the remains are commanded to be distributed as due out of fraternal charity to the servants or the poor.
XV – The tenth of the bread must always be given to the almoner
Despite the reward of poverty which is the kingdom of heaven undoubtedly belongs to the poor: to you however, who the Christian faith undoubtedly confesses to you as part of those, we command that you give a tenth of all the bread daily to your almoner.
XVI – Breakfast is according to the master’s opinion
When the sun leaves the eastern region and descends into sleep, having heard the signal, as is the custom of that region, it is necessary for all of you to go to Compline, but first we wish you to have a general banquet. We place this banquet at the disposal and discretion of the master, so that when he wishes it may be composed of water; when he benevolently commands, of appropriately diluted wine. This need not lead to great satiety or occur in luxury, but it is spare; in fact we see even the wise apostate.
XVII – Once Compline is over, silence should be preserved
Once Compline is over it is necessary to go to the bed. The brothers who leave Compline are not to be given permission to speak in public, unless there is an urgent need; let what he is about to say to his squire be said softly. Perhaps it may happen that in this interval for you who are leaving Compline, due to the great necessity of a military matter, or of the state of our house, because the day was not sufficient, it is necessary for the same master to speak with some of the brothers, or the one to whom the command of the house is due as master. So this we command to happen; for it is written: By speaking much you will not escape sin. And elsewhere: Death and life in the hands of the tongue. In this conversation we prohibit scurrility, useless words and what leads to laughter: and to you who go to bed,
XVIII – The tired do not get up for Matutini
We do not agree that tired soldiers should rise for the Matutini, as is evident to you: but with the approval of the master, or of the one to whom it was conferred by the master, we unanimously believe that they should rest and sing the thirteen prayers constituted, so that their mind agrees with their voice according to what the prophet said: Psalm to the Lord with wisdom: and again: in the presence of the angels I will psalm to you. But this must depend on the advice of the master.
XIX – Let there be a community of food between brothers
We read on the Divine page: It was divided to individuals, as was necessary for each. Therefore we do not say that there is a meaning of people but there must be consideration of diseases. When one has less need, let him thank God, and not be saddened: he who is in need should be humbled by infirmity, not exalted by mercy, and thus all the members will be at peace. But we forbid this so that no one is allowed to embrace inappropriate abstinence, but lead a common life constantly.
XX – Quality and style of the dress
We order that clothes should always be of one color, for example white, or black, or, so to speak, gray. To all the soldiers professed in winter and summer, if it is possible, we grant white robes, so that those who have postponed a dark life, recognize that they must be reconciled with their Creator, through a transparent and white life. What is white, if not complete chastity? Chastity is security of the mind, and health of the body. In fact, every soldier, if he has not preserved chastity, will not be able to reach perpetual peace and see God; as the apostle Saint Paul attests: Let us follow peace with all and chastity, without which no one will see the Lord. But for one to be of this style it must be free of the well-known arrogance and superfluity; we command everyone to have these things so that each alone is capable of dressing and undressing, putting on shoes and taking them off without fuss. The procurator of this ministry must be careful to avoid this with vigilant care; those who receive new clothes must immediately return the old ones, to be placed in the room, or where the brother has decided the task, so that they can be used by the squires or the associates. , or to the poor.
XXI – Servants must not wear white robes, i.e. palli
We firmly disapprove of what was in the house of God and the temple of his soldiers, without discretion and decision of the common chapter, and we command that it be radically eliminated as if it were a proper vice. Servants and squires once wore white clothes, which caused harm. In fact, in ultra-mountainous areas there arose some false brothers, married, and others, who said they belonged to the Temple, while they are of the world. They caused many injuries and much damage to the military order, and the presumptuous and self-professed arrogance gave rise to numerous scandals. Therefore, let them always wear black clothes: in case these cannot be found, have those which can be found in the province in which they live, or what can be approximated to the simplest of a single colour, that is, grey.
XXII – Professed soldiers should wear only white clothes
No one is allowed to wear white tunics, or have white palliums, except the named soldiers.
XXIII – Only lambskins should be used
We have decided by mutual agreement, that no professed brother has everlasting long-lasting skins or fur or anything similar, and that it serves the body, even to cover it except of lambs or rams.
XXIV – The old clothes are given to the squires
The agent or giver of the clothes should always carefully give the old clothes to the squires and associates, and sometimes to the poor, acting with fidelity and fairness.
XXV – Whoever desires the best things should have the worst
If a professed brother, either because it is his duty or because he is moved by pride, wanted beautiful or excellent clothes, he would undoubtedly deserve the humblest ones for this presumption.
XXVI – The quality and quantity of clothes must be respected
It is necessary to observe the quantity according to the size of the bodies and the width of the clothes: whoever delivers the clothes should be careful in this.
XXVII – He who delivers the clothes must first of all preserve equality
The procurator with brotherly intuition should consider the length, as was said above, with the same attention, so that the eye of whisperers or slanderers does not presume to notice anything: and in all these things, humbly meditate on the reward of God.
XXVIII – The uselessness of hair
All brothers, especially the professed, should wear hair so that it can be considered regular at the front and back and tidy; and in the beard and mustache the same rule must be observed without question, so that superficiality or the vice of frivolity does not show itself.
XXIX – About spurs and necklaces
Clearly spurs and necklaces are a matter of politeness. And since this is recognized as abominable by all, we forbid and refuse permission to possess them, indeed we want them not to exist. We do not allow those who serve on a temporary basis to have either spurs, or necklaces, or vain hair, or excessive length of clothes, in fact we forbid them altogether. For those who serve the supreme creator, internal and external cleanliness is supremely necessary, as he himself attests, saying: Be clean, because I am clean.
XXX – Number of horses and squires
Each soldier is allowed to own three horses, since the remarkable poverty of the house of God and of the Temple of Solomon does not allow them to increase further, except by permission of the master.
XXXI – Let no one injure a squire who serves gratuitously
We allow individual soldiers for the same reason only one squire. But if that squire belongs to a soldier gratuitously and charitably, it is not lawful for him to flog him, nor even to beat him for any fault.
XXXII – How those who remain in time are received
We order all soldiers who wish to serve Jesus Christ in time with purity of soul in the same house, to faithfully purchase horses suitable for this daily commitment, and weapons and all that is necessary. We also judged, all things considered, that it is a good and useful thing to evaluate horses. The price must therefore be kept in writing so that it is not forgotten: whatever is necessary for the soldier, or for his horses, or for the squire, adding the horseshoes according to the faculty of the house, is to be purchased by the same house with fraternal charity. If meanwhile the soldier by some event should lose his horses in this service; the master, as far as the house can, will provide others. When the time comes to repatriate, the same soldier should grant half the price out of divine love, and if it pleases him,
XXXIII – No one should act according to his own will
It is fitting for these soldiers, who esteem nothing dearer to them than Christ, that for the service, according to which they are professed, and for the glory of the supreme blessedness, or the fear of hell, they continually pay obedience to the master. It is therefore necessary that immediately, if something has been commanded by the master, or by the one to whom the master has given a mandate, without delay, as if it were divinely commanded, they should know no delay in doing. Of these such the same truth says: For the hearing of the ear he obeyed me.
XXXIV – Whether it is lawful to go without the master’s command to an isolated place
We adjure, and we firmly order them, that the generous soldiers who have renounced their will, and those who are attached, without the permission of the master, or of the one to whom it was conferred, not to allow themselves to go to an isolated place, except at night at the sepulchre, in arms, and to guard, since the cunning enemy strikes by day and by night, or to those places which are included in the walls of the holy city.
XXXV – Whether it is permissible to walk alone
Those who travel, do not dare to begin a journey either by day or by night, without a guardian, that is, a soldier or a professed brother. In fact, after they were hosted in the militia, no soldier, or squire or anyone else, allowed himself to go to see the halls of the other soldiers, or to talk to someone, without permission, as was said above. Therefore we wisely affirm, that in such a house ordained by God, no one according to his possession performs his service or rests; but according to the command of the master, each one should act in such a way that he imitates the sentence of the Lord, with which he said: I have not come to do the will of myself, but of Him who sent me.
XXXVI – Let no one ask individually what is necessary for him
We order that this custom be written among others as one’s own and that every attention is paid to confirm it so as to avoid seeking vice. No professed brother must ask to be personally assigned a horse or mount or weapons. How? If his illness, or the weakness of his horses, or the scarcity of his weapons, were recognized as such that to advance in this way would be a common harm: let him go to the master, or to the one who is due the ministry after the master, and present the case with sincerity and purity: in fact the matter must be resolved in the decision of the teacher, or his agent.
XXXVII – The bites and the spurs
We do not want gold or silver which are particular riches to ever appear in the bits or in the breastplates, nor in the spurs, or in the harnesses, nor be it permitted for any professed brother to purchase them. If by chance such old instruments were given as gifts, the gold or silver should be colored so that the color or decoration does not appear arrogant among others. If new data were given, the master should do what he wants with these things.
XXXVIII – Do not place a cover on the shafts and shields
There is no cover over the shields and poles, because in our opinion this is not profitable, indeed harmful.
XXXIX – The master’s authorization
The master is permitted to give horses or weapons to anyone, or to anyone who deems appropriate anything else.
XL – Sack and trunk
Bags and trunks with padlocks are not permitted: they must be presented in this way, so that they are not possessed without the permission of the master, or of the person to whom the tasks of the house and the tasks in his stead were entrusted. Procurators and those who live in different provinces are excluded from this rule, nor does it include the same teacher.
XLI – Written authorization
In no way is it lawful for a brother to receive, or give, from his relatives, or any man, or from one to another, without the permission of the master or the procurator. After a brother has been given leave, in the presence of the master, if it pleases him, they are to be registered. In the event that something is addressed to him by his relatives, he is not allowed to receive it unless it has first been reported to the teacher. The master and proxies of the house are not included in this rule.
XLII – The confession of one’s sins
Since every idle word is known to generate sin, what will they ostentatiously say about their sins before the severe judge. The prophet says well that if it is necessary to abstain from good speeches for the sake of silence, how much more is it necessary to abstain from bad words for the sake of sin. We therefore forbid a professed brother from daring to remember with one of his brothers, or with someone else, to be more precise, the foolish things he committed in the military service in an enormous way during the century, and the pleasures of the flesh with very wretched women, or anything else: and if by chance he hears someone reporting such things, he should silence him, or as soon as he can, he should leave out of obedience, and do not offer his heart to the oil seller.
XLIII – Begging and acceptance
If something has been given to a brother without asking for it, he is to hand it over to the master or bursar: if another friend or relative of his does not want it to be used except by him, he must not receive it until he has the master’s permission. Whoever has been given the thing should not be displeased that it is given to another: know for certain that if he gets angry about it, he is acting against God. The administrators to whom it is entrusted and granted in a special way are not included in the above rule. the ministry concerning the sack and the trunk.
XLIV – Feed bags on horses
It is useful to everyone that this order established by us is respected without exceptions. Let no brother presume to make food bags of linen or wool, prepared with too much care: he must have none except rough cloth.
XLV – No one dares to change or ask
Let no one presume to change his things, brother for brother, without the authorization of the master, and ask for something, if not brother to brother, as long as the thing is small, vile, not great.
XLVI – Let no one catch a bird with a bird, nor proceed with the decoy
We judge by common judgment that no one dares to catch a bird with a bird. In fact, it is not convenient to adhere to religion while preserving worldly pleasures, but to willingly listen to the commandments of the Lord, frequently apply oneself to prayers, confess one’s sins to God with tears and groans daily in prayer. Let no brother professed for this main cause presume to accompany himself with a man who works with the falcon or with any other bird.
XLVII – Let no one shoot a wild beast with a bow or crossbow
It is appropriate to walk in a pious attitude, with simplicity, without laughing, humbly, not saying many words, but reasoning, and not with too loud a voice. We especially impose and command every professed brother not to dare enter a forest with a bow or crossbow or throw arrows: do not go with the one who did such things except to be able to save him from a wretched pagan: nor dare to shout with a dog or chirp; nor does he push his horse out of desire to capture the wild beast.
XLVIII – May the lion always be struck
In fact it is certain that you were especially entrusted with the task of offering your life for your brothers, and eliminating from the earth the unbelievers, who always threaten the Son of the Virgin. We read this about the lion, because he deceives, looking for someone to devour, and his hands against everyone, and everyone’s hands against him.
XLIX – Hear the judgment regarding what is asked of you
We know that the persecutors of the Holy Church are without number, and they incessantly and ever more cruelly hasten to disturb those who do not like disputes. In this, let the sentence of the Council be held, made with serene consideration, that if anyone in the parts of the eastern region, or in any other place should ask anything about you, we command you to listen to the judgment passed by faithful judges and lovers of truth; and what will be right, we command you to do without hesitation.
L – This rule must be observed in everything
We command this same rule to be kept forever in all things that have been undeservedly taken away.
LI – When it is lawful for all professed soldiers to have land and men
We believe that by divine providence in the holy places this new kind of religion began with you, that is, the militia is united to religion and so for religion to proceed armed through the militia, or without guilt strike the enemy. We therefore rightly judge, since we are called soldiers of the Temple, that you yourselves for the distinguished and special merit of probity have house, land, men, peasants and rightly govern them: and what has been established is due to you in a particular way.
LII – Particular attention should be paid to the sick
Extremely careful care must be given to brothers who are ill, as if serving Christ in them: the evangelical saying, I have been sick and you visited me, must be carefully remembered. These must be borne patiently, because through them one undoubtedly acquires a higher salary.
LIII – The sick must always be given what is necessary
We command the assistants of the sick, with all observance and careful care, that what is necessary for the various illnesses, faithfully and diligently, according to the possibilities of the house, be administered to them, for example, meat and poultry and other things, until they are restored to health.
LIV – Let no one provoke another to anger
Maximum attention must be paid so that no one presumes to provoke the other to anger: in fact the supreme clemency of the nearby divine brotherhood united both the poor and the powerful.
LV – How married brothers are welcomed
We allow you to welcome married brothers in this way, if they ask for the benefit and participation of your fraternity, both of them grant a part of their substance and whatever they have to acquire they give to the unit of the common chapter after their death, and in the meantime let them lead an honest life, and try to act well towards their brothers, but do not wear the white robe and the white cloak. If the husband had died before, leave his share to the brothers: the wife gets the support of life from the other part. Indeed, we consider it unjust that brothers of this type should reside in the same house as brothers who have promised chastity to God.
LVI – Let there be no more sisters
Bringing sisters together again is dangerous: the ancient enemy chased many from the straight path of paradise because of female company. Therefore, dearest brothers, so that the flower of integrity may always be visible among you, it is not permissible to continue this custom.
LVII – The brothers of the Temple have no part in dealing with the excommunicated
This, brothers, is to be avoided and feared, that any of the soldiers of Christ should somehow unite with a person excommunicated individually and publicly, or presume to receive his things, so that the excommunication is not similar to the marantha (come Lord). But if he were merely interdicted, it would not be out of place to have part with him, and to receive his things charitably.
LVIII – How secular soldiers should be received
If a soldier from the mass of perdition, or another secular person, who wants to renounce the world, wants to choose our communion and life, do not give him assent immediately, but according to the word of Paul, test the spirits whether they are to be God so may he be granted entry. Let the Rule therefore be read in his presence: and if he diligently obeys the commands of this esteemed Rule, then if it pleases the master and the brothers to receive him, having summoned the brothers, he must explain with purity of mind to everyone his desire and his request. Subsequently, the end of the test depends entirely on the consideration and decision of the teacher, according to the honesty of life of the applicant.
LIX – Let not all the brothers be called to the privy council
We order that not all the brothers are always summoned to the council, but only those who the master deems suitable and providential for the council. When he wishes to deal with major questions, such as giving the common land, or discussing the Order itself, or receiving a brother: then it is advisable to call together the whole congregation, if the master so deems; having heard the opinion of the whole chapter, let this be done as best and most useful as the master deems appropriate.
LX – They must pray in silence
We order with unanimous opinion that, as the propensity of the soul and body will require, the brothers pray standing or sitting: however with maximum reverence with simplicity, without fuss, so that one does not disturb the other.
LXI – Receiving the faith of the servants
We have learned that many from different provinces, both aggregates and squires, wish to bind themselves to our house in time with a fervent spirit for the salvation of souls. It is useful for you to receive their faith, so that by chance the ancient enemy does not intimidate them into the service of God in anything furtively or indecently, or suddenly distract them from their good purpose.
LXII – Children, while they are small, are not to be received among the brothers of the Temple
Although the Rule of the Holy Fathers allows having children in a congregation, we do not believe we should burden you with this burden. Whoever wishes to give his son, or one of his relatives, in perpetuity in the military religion: let him nurture him until the years in which he can manfully with an armed hand eliminate the enemies of Christ from the Holy Land: then according to the Rule the father or parents will place him among the brothers, and make his request known. It is better not to swear in childhood than to withdraw dramatically as a man.
LXIII- Let the old always be venerated
It is good that the elderly be supported with pious consideration, according to the weakness of their strength and diligently honored: in no way should severity be used since tolerance is necessary for the body, without prejudice however to the authority of the Rule.
LXIV – The brothers leaving for different provinces
The brothers who set out for different provinces, as far as their strength allows, should undertake to observe the Rule in food and drink and in other things, and live irreproachably, so that they may have a good testimony from those who are outside: they do not sin the purpose of religion neither with word nor with deed, but above all to those with whom they have met, they offer an example and substance of wisdom and good works. Let the person with whom they decide to lodge have a good reputation: and, if possible, let the guest’s house not lack a candle that night, so that the dark enemy does not cause death, God forbid. When they have heard of gathering non-excommunicated soldiers, we say that they must go there not worrying about temporal utility, but rather about the eternal salvation of their souls. To the brothers heading to the areas beyond the sea with the hope of being transported, we recommend receiving with this agreement those who wanted to join the military Order in perpetuity: both present themselves to the Bishop of that province and the prelate listens to the will of the one who he asks. Having heard the request, the brother should send him to the master and the brothers who are in the Temple which is in Jerusalem: and if his life is honest and worthy of such belonging, let him be mercifully welcomed, if this seems good to the master and the brothers. If in the meantime he dies, due to work and fatigue, like a brother, all the benefit and brotherhood of the poor and of Christ’s comrades be recognized to him. we recommend receiving with this agreement those who wish to join the military Order in perpetuity: both present themselves to the Bishop of that province and the prelate listens to the will of the one who asks. Having heard the request, the brother should send him to the master and the brothers who are in the Temple which is in Jerusalem: and if his life is honest and worthy of such belonging, let him be mercifully welcomed, if this seems good to the master and the brothers. If in the meantime he dies, due to work and fatigue, like a brother, all the benefit and brotherhood of the poor and of Christ’s comrades be recognized to him. we recommend receiving with this agreement those who wish to join the military Order in perpetuity: both present themselves to the Bishop of that province and the prelate listens to the will of the one who asks. Having heard the request, the brother should send him to the master and the brothers who are in the Temple which is in Jerusalem: and if his life is honest and worthy of such belonging, let him be mercifully welcomed, if this seems good to the master and the brothers. If in the meantime he dies, due to work and fatigue, like a brother, all the benefit and brotherhood of the poor and of Christ’s comrades be recognized to him. Having heard the request, the brother should send him to the master and the brothers who are in the Temple which is in Jerusalem: and if his life is honest and worthy of such belonging, let him be mercifully welcomed, if this seems good to the master and the brothers. If in the meantime he dies, due to work and fatigue, like a brother, all the benefit and brotherhood of the poor and of Christ’s comrades be recognized to him. Having heard the request, the brother should send him to the master and the brothers who are in the Temple which is in Jerusalem: and if his life is honest and worthy of such belonging, let him be mercifully welcomed, if this seems good to the master and the brothers. If in the meantime he dies, due to work and fatigue, like a brother, all the benefit and brotherhood of the poor and of Christ’s comrades be recognized to him.
LXV- Food is to be distributed equally to all
We also think that this is respected in a congruous and reasonable way, that all professed brothers are given food in an equal measure according to the possibilities of the place: in fact, the meaning of the people is not useful, but it is necessary to consider the ailments.
LXVI – The soldiers have the tithes of the Temple
We believe that having abandoned the riches given to you, you are subject to spontaneous poverty, so in this way we have demonstrated how tithes are due to you who live in common life. If the Bishop of the church, to whom the tithe is rightly due, has wanted to give it to you charitably: he must give you the tithes which the Church then seems to possess with the consent of the common chapter. If a lay person were to take possession of it (tithe) or subtract it from his patrimony in a condemnable way, and confessing his guilt he wanted to leave it to you: according to the discretion of the one who presides this can be done, without the consent of the chapter.
LXVII – Light and serious offenses
If a brother has made a slight mistake in speaking, acting or otherwise, he himself must confess his sin to the master with the commitment of satisfaction. For light things, if there is no custom, there should be a light penance. In the event that he remains silent and the fault is known through another, he is to be subjected to greater and more evident discipline and reparation. If the fault is serious, he is to distance himself from the familiarity of his brothers, nor eat with them at the same table, but take the meal alone. Everything depends on the decision and indication of the master, so that he is safe on the day of judgement.
LXVIII – For what fault the brother is no longer welcomed
Above all, it is necessary to ensure that no brother, whether powerful or impotent, strong or weak, who wants to exalt himself and little by little become proud, defend his own fault, can remain undisciplined: but, if he does not want to correct himself, he must be given a more severe correction. . That if he has not wanted to correct himself with pious admonitions and for the prayers raised to him, but has risen more and more in pride: then according to the apostle, he must be uprooted from the pious flock: take away the evil from you: it is necessary that the sick sheep be separated from the society of faithful brothers. Furthermore, the master who must hold the staff and the rod in his hand (i.e. the staff with which he supports the weaknesses of the other forces,
LXIX – From the solemnity of Easter until All Saints’ Day one may only wear a linen shirt
Due to the great heat of the eastern region, we compassionately consider that from the feast of Easter until the solemnity of All Saints, each person should be given a single linen shirt, not for what is due, but for grace alone, and I say this for those who want take advantage of it. In other times everyone generally wears woolen shirts.
LXX – How many and which cloths are needed in the bed
For those who sleep in individual beds we believe that unless some serious cause or necessity arises: everyone has linen according to the discreet assignment of the master: in fact we believe that a straw mattress, a pillow and a blanket are sufficient for each one. He who lacks one of these should take a mat, and at all times it will be permissible to use a linen blanket, that is, a cloth: let them sleep dressed in their shirt, and always sleep wearing boots. While the brothers sleep, let the lamp not be missing until morning.
LXXI – Murmuring should be avoided
We order you, by divine warning, to avoid, almost like a plague to escape, emulations, envy, murmuring, whispering, detractions. Let each one of you, with a vigilant mind, commit yourself not to blame or reproach your brother, but remember among yourself the words of the apostle: do not be an accuser or defamer of the people. When anyone knows that a brother has sinned in something, in peace and brotherly piety, according to the precept of the Lord, let him correct him between himself and him alone: and if he does not listen to him, let him take another brother: but if he despises both, in meeting before the chapter everything is reprimanded. Those who slander others suffer from severe blindness; those who do not guard against envy are of great unhappiness: from here they are immersed in the ancient iniquity of the cunning enemy.
LXXII – Kisses from all women should be avoided
We consider it dangerous for any religious person to look at the faces of women for a long time: therefore a brother does not dare to kiss a widow, nor an unmarried woman, nor her mother, nor her sister, nor a friend, nor any other woman. Let the militia of Christ therefore flee from female kisses, through which men are often in danger: so with a pure conscience and free life he can perpetually converse in the presence of the Lord.